Tokyo-Based Editor (IN-PERSON Position)
This is an in-person, Tokyo-based role primarily for an editor who is proficient in premiere pro
Having strong Japanese skill will give you a huge edge as it will more than double the amount of projects we can do together!
Looking for someone who knows how to find and make a story. Someone preferably familiar with the Tokyo Lens video catalogue who is dangerously organized and meticulous, and and is ready to move at a pace that feels both unreasonable and exciting at the same time!
Thumbnail Designer
A good thumbnail should drive not just clicks, but watch time. It should create intrigue, while also representing the channel and the video.
Ideally… it should be paired with not just the video content, but a title that matches!
But the great thing is… this can be done from anywhere in the world and with the way YouTube is set up now, it can be tested!